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Proyección con la ONU y conversación con ecologistas de Europa

Past Event

Proyección con la ONU y conversación con ecologistas de Europa

Proyección de Yo soy Greta para los empleados de la ONU en Bonn y de la CMNUCC (UNFCCC), con una mesa redonda con la participación de varias figuras destacadas en el activismo climático: Adélaïde Charlier, Anunda de Wever, Alfie Warren-Knight, Dörte Schneider, and Alissa Aubenque.


  • Alissa Aubenque

    Alissa Aubenque is a producer and green film production expert based in Germany, developing tools for productions to reduce their environmental footprint

  • Dörte Schneider

    Dörte Schneider is a certified Green Consultant based in Portugal, focused on helping film production companies make their processes more sustainable.

  • Alfie Warren-Knight

    Alfie Warren-Knight is the founder of Film Strike for Climate, a grassroots movement of filmmakers mobilizing the global TV & film industry for socio-ecological change.

  • Anuna de Wever

    Anuna de Wever is a leading climate activist who is featured in the I Am Greta film. At 18 years old, she presented a TEDx talk. Anuna completed an internship with the Greens-European Free Alliance in the European Parliament.

  • Adélaïde Charlier

    Adélaïde Charlier is a climate activist who co-created the Belgian 'Youth for Climate' movement. She was named an Ambassador of Conscience by Amnesty International. At 18 years old, she organized the biggest school strike in the history of Belgium.

Action Item

Join Film Strike for Climate, a grassroots movement of filmmakers who share the purpose of realizing the Film & Television industry's socio-ecological impact potential, through sustainable production, campaigning, and storytelling.

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